Outdoor Air Station
DiveGas.eu has produced a filling station that allows your customers to fill their bottles outside the normal opening hours. Customers are created with user ID and a code, an amount to fill and a liter price.
The Navy Seals uses the most advanced boosting system we've ever build.
The system enables the user to choose a completely custom mix from 0% - 100% oxygen.
The control of the system is handeld by our extremely user friendly interface, which minimize the risk of a mistake
Since the system is made on a booster, we can handel almost any kind of gas, even acid-gasses. Therefore we might be your next callaborator if you need a professional system
DIVE GAS is a danish product with great ambitions.
Ideas and products are developed throughout 25 years of great experience with both diving and maintenance of professional, as well as recreational diving equipment.
All our products are developed, manufactured, assembled and tested in Denmark just as all used components are selected from the best, high-end range and has a long durability.
We offer multiple solutions for both recreational, technical, commercial, military, industrial and medical use. For those with special needs, we are able to make "from-the-ground" solutions of any kind.
"If it can be done, we will make it easy, quick and safe to use"
When it comes to safety, Divegas is your obvious choice. We know how it's done, and how it's done safely!
All our products exceed the high safety requirements when dealing with high presure.
This is why we think you should breath divegas.
DIVEGAS | | Sommervej 19, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark mail@divegas.eu 0045 8624 3233 |